The Republic soldier body models have been improved: JC’s Republic Soldier Fix for K2 1.1 (with DarthParametric lending a hand) T3-M4 was missing VO and some Gand VO was misplaced: JC's VO Fix for K2 1.2 Various fixes for which feats characters can select: JC's Feat Fixes for K2 1.2 The HKs and T3M4 droids don't have shaders: JC's Shader Fixes for K2 1.1 Various issues: JC's Minor Fixes for K2 1.5 Khoonda's flag was missing its texture: Khoonda Flag Fix 1.0.0 When Kreia first wakes up in the Peragus Administration Level morgue, it's possible to briefly see her body disappear War Droid texture variants didn't properly display the blaster texture (Reported by Sith Holocron) Mandalore is missing the helmet filter effect on one of his lines (reported by Sniggles) module lacked a skybox/starscape (reported by JCarter426) The Ebon Hawk's medbay has some bad lightmaps and the camera can clip through its walls (suggested by JCarter426) The female player head PFHA05 has incorrect UVs for the upper teeth, causing them to be flesh-coloured (reported by ebmar) The female player head PFHA04 has some clipping issues with the right eyeball and eyelid (reported by Soka) The head texture for Visas has a poor quality mask for its environment map and incorrectly uses her skin colour for the inside of her mouth There are some minor level geometry issues in the Peragus Administration Level: Peragus Administration Level Room Model Fixes 1.0 The Zeison Sha armour for males (PMBMM) is unable to properly perform a two-handed grip during weapon animations: Get a Grip! Zeison Sha Armour Male Model Fix 1.0 There are multiple issues with the Harbinger level geometry: Harbinger Hull Fixes 1.1 In the prologue there are remote clones instead of sensor droids: Prologue Sensor Droids FixĪ number of textures don't use shaders: Textures Improvement Project The Ebon Hawk has a couple panels with bad models: Ebon Hawk Model Fixes 2.0 Malak had some oral hygiene problems: TSL Jedi Malak Mouth Fix 1.1.0 The space suit running animation looks like a squirrel that's been injected with caffeine List of included mods and fixes (alphabetical by author): A huge thanks to all of the mod authors who created these mods, and gave me permission to include them in this patch.Ģ. This mod is a compilation of various bugfix mods put together with the intention of fixing all the known bugs with the last official patch of KOTOR 2.